We’d like to invite all aspiring home brewers and baristas to our inaugural brewing basics course.
In this one hour course you will be taken through
-Understanding buying coffee
-Differing Brewing mediums
-Grinding coffee + preparing for brewing
-Brewing basics
-Adjusting your brew + foundational dialing in
-Open Q/A
We structure our educational courses into a care free friendly environment where mistakes and learning can happen freely. We strongly encourage anyone who is interested in brewing at home to join, yet even those who already have some foundational knowledge can benefit from this course(for more advanced knowledge please visit our Brewing Intermediate course).
Option #1: Participation (class experience, hands on brewing) $18.00
Registration Opens August 22th
To reserve your spot please visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/brewing-basics-beginners-tickets-1000304446527?aff=oddtdtcreator or click the button below: